Here are a few of our NDE (Non Distructive Entry) safe openings, NDE means we have picked this safes opened using specialist tools with no damage to the safes, check our areas.
Internal cabinets and backpans opened with a selection of keys found here
This Dudley safe, serviced before the key finally stopped working saving £££ on a simple yearly service.
A free standing Hadleigh safe with a worn bent key, new keys cut and fully tested
Lost keys for this Ratner fire safe, picked open non-destructively, as is our aim for every safe, new keys cut on site to the original lock.
Unbranded steel safe opening in Walthamstow E17
Non destructive opening even on a safe which was getting changed.
Lost keys! (Maybe leave a spare somewhere off site)
Technomax home safe opened near the Oval south London without damage to the safe or contents.
Passport inside and they were going away on holiday the next morning.
I serviced this safe and put back to full working order.
Lost keys in Brixton this time
A beautiful Chatwood Milner in West London, lost combination on this safe.
This safe was manipulated opened without damage and the combination changed.

This safe was locked and the key missing, i opened the safe within 20 minutes and made new keys for the original lock, serviced and back into service.
Next was a small wall safe, keys locked inside, unable to be opened by others i was called and open this safe within minutes, and another spare key was cut just in case.
Off to Norwich for this next safe, 2 other companies were unable to open this “Empire safe company” safe, stating they had to drill the safe open as it was impossible to pick these safes open, not only did we open the safe without any damage we cut 2 new keys on site and put the safe back into original working order.
Off the Southgate for this old fire and theft resistive safe.
Lost the keys to your safe ? , This lady did and luckily was put in touch with me, this safe was opened without damage, new keys cut to the original lock on site, serviced and back in full working order. Another very happy client
Another was a double safe in Palmers green N13 Enfield.
This safe had not been serviced since it was installed and as such it failed and could not be opened even with the key, i managed to open this safe without damage, serviced and back in full working order.
Lost the code for your safe or no power to your safe?
No to worry we can open your safe and reset the code without damage.
As done on these grade 0 and grade 1 Burg Wachter safes
Failed cable on a Dudley safe with a La Gard electronic lock, opened without damage.
New cable and keypad fitted.
User error left the end of the key (Key bit) inside the door of this large safe, the key was retrieved and a new stem supplied and advised on the correct procudure to open this safe.
Failing key on an SMP, now serviced and fully working again.
Failed lower La Gard key lock, opened without damage, lock replaced.
Salvus safe picked open
SMP lost code
Cabinet opened
Chubb safe opened due to failed spring
Safe opened and new keys cut
Another opening, picked without damage and new lock fitted
Another cabinet opened and serviced
Lost code and keys, all back in working order
Kaba safe opened
Failed power restored
Guardian safe opened
Failed comms
Chubb safe opened, failed/ broken key
New safe lock fitted
Two for the price of one
Dudley D2